A rich, runny egg yolk, sunny lemon juice, and a bit of olive oil make an instant dressing for this Roasted-Vegetable Salad with Poached Eggs. Serve it...
Sweet persimmons are paired with chicories, a family of cold-season plants that include escarole, radicchio, and-at least culinarily speaking-endives in...
Ricotta salata is a firmer version of fresh ricotta that is perfect for shaving over summer sides like this sweet-and-savory watermelon, fennel, and cucumber...
Thinly sliced endives, fennel, celery root, and apples bring serious crunch to this Winter White Salad with Creme-Fraiche Vinaigrette for a crowd. The...
Cannellini are white Italian kidney beans. Try substituting cranberry, pinto, or other dried beans in this salad. To save time, canned beans can be used...
Cream is brightened with lemon-fresh juice and zest-and used to coat tender butter lettuce in this simple green salad. The leaves are artfully arranged...
A fresh, mayonnaise-free alternative to slaw, this sweet-and-sour salad is made with napa cabbage and gets zip from wholegrain mustard, vinegar, radishes,...
Amish macaroni salad is a sweet macaroni salad with a bit of a tangy crunch from all the delicious veggies folded in side. Super creamy and a perfect cold...
Classic macaroni salad is a creamy and delicious pasta salad side dish perfect for parties, picnics and pot lucks. Mayo and honey mustard combined with...
Feed a crowd with this colorful chopped Greek-Taverna salad. It can be made up to a day ahead and is perfect for a potluck as there is no lettuce to wilt,...
Beets add not only bright-red color to this arugula side salad but also lots of nutrition. Peeling and cutting the beets into small pieces reduces their...
Briny capers infuse this lemony vinaigrette. When tossed with a mix of bitter arugula and radishes, the salad symbolizes one of the traditional elements...
The smaller the golden beet, the more tender, which is best if eaten raw. A mandoline or Japanese vegetable slicer is essential for slicing the beets as...
The inspiration for this lunch salad comes from the seder plate: Although the "bitter herb" is often horseradish, in the Sephardic (or Mediterranean) Jewish...
This recipe for mustard slaw -- the Memphis version of this classic side dish -- is served at Big Bob Gibson Bar-B-Q in Decatur, Alabama. Like most slaws,...
The pierogi can be assembled ahead of time and refrigerated on a lightly floured baking sheet, with waxed paper between the layers to keep them from sticking...
Quinoa has an impressive protein profile. It contains amino acids not normally found in grains, and it cooks in 15 minutes. In this Quinoa and Corn Salad...
Peel away the tough exterior of a rutabaga to discover a hearty, firm flesh that's tasty and filling. In addition to this light potato salad, add rutabagas...
Fireside-made bread, cut into croutons, soak up a vinaigrette in this classic bread salad made with chunks of tomatoes and lanky green beans. If you're...
Chewy farro-an Italian whole grain-is tossed with mixed greens in this colorful salad. It's flavored by two kinds of grapes that have been baked in a low...